

One of the most known mental conditions that are related to the working of the brain is epilepsy. One of the most terms of epilepsy is that it usually causes people to have a lot of seizures whereby they can even be able to help themselves and therefore it is a dangerous condition because if n...

23.02.18 02:27 PM - Comment(s)

The quest for people to look for alternatives in medicine has been growing with many searching for a way to cure most of the medical conditions without using the regular drugs. The selection is never easy, and a lot of patients and caregivers must understand some of the things to look out for before...

23.02.18 02:25 PM - Comment(s)


The CBD oil is one of the most talked-about varieties of cannabis.  It is a special compound of marijuana which does not cause any psychoactive effect on the patient.  The CBD is mostly used in oil form but they can be consumed through different means such as skin application and ora...

23.02.18 02:06 PM - Comment(s)